Saturday, June 09, 2007

ASL Rose- DVD/books for Young Deaf Children & Adolescents

Two professors (Dr. Adonia K. Smith and Dr. E. Lynn Jacobowitz) have created a DVD/Book series and established a publishing company in order to interest deaf children in English. Some of the DVDs/Books include: Have You Ever Seen...? An American Sign Language Handshape; Waving Hands!!! The ABCs of American Deaf Role Models; and, Deaf Coach Now or Deaf Cinderella. While the DVD/Book might be a little pricey at $85, I guess you can't really put a price on your child's education. The website includes a preview of one of the DVDs and includes activities for children including: Color Your Favorite Deaf Hero, Pair-a-Handshape (the memory game) and a puzzle. I enjoyed the preview which clearly emphasizes a bilingual approach to teaching. Okay, I painted Laurent Clerc and played the Pair-a-Handshape a few times myself:) You can even send an e-card using the illustrations from the DVD/Books-- how cute is that!?!

Visit for more information.

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