I handed out my 'Top 5 favorite books with Deaf Characters' bookmark (PICTURED LEFT)which was a difficult task because there are so many good books. Since I was flying and flying usually includes flight delays, I thought this trip was going to provide a great opportunity for me to read.
I brought Delia Ray Howard's Signing Hands (look for my interview with her later this month!) and some non-Deaf Character books (Yes, I do try to read books outside this genre). There were so many exciting presentations and activities (which included "hanging out" with one of my former students who lives in Reno and a Lake Tahoe riverboat

While at the conference I picked up information about two programs encouraging literacy: 1.) Say It in Sign has produced "moving" American Sign Language greeting cards and Flashcards and 2.) Burton Vision has created a computer program that "builds bridges between American Sign Language and English". The program works for ASL users and those who wish to become fluent in ASL. I believe my favorite part is the "Classic Stories". Plus, Michael Burton gives one entertaining presentation!

Leading Ladies (November 2007-- not yet released)
By Marlee Matlin and Doug Cooney
Publication Date: November 2007
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
288 pages ISBN-10: 0-689-86987-8
Grades: 3rd and up

Just as Deaf Child Crossing focused on Megan at camp, and Nobody's Perfect focused on Megan's birthday party, Leading Ladies focuses on Megan wanting to be the star (shocker!!!) in her class' musical production of The Wizard of Oz. Megan's good friend from camp, Lizzie who attends the Illinois School for the Deaf transfers to Megan's public school. Lizzie had such a small role in Nobody's Perfect that I'm glad to see that this character is given a major storyline. Of course, there is going to be DRAMA (pun intended) with another friendship triangle (characters Cindy and Alexis are back too) and a musical production. Also in this book, Megan's family has a new dog named Solo (I remember crying and crying over Apples -- no spoilers here, read Deaf Child Crossing). Even without knowing if she will secure the part of Dorothy, Megan begins training Solo to be the best Toto possible. I can't wait to finish reading this book!
Hi Sharon,
A couple of weeks ago you left a comment on my blog that somehow was buried! Glad I found you and I'm enjoying your blog!
Thank you!
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