Va Beach Sun Rise
I can't think of a better way to end the summer than the Pathways to Possibilities Conference View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

While even my husband knows that I have a "professional" crush on Deaf Author Josh Swiller, my post title is literal; I actually saw fireworks!
On Wednesday night, I couldn't sleep well. That usually happens before I give a presentation... and this one was particularly frightening with former teachers and mentors in the audience. So around 5am on Thursday morning, I decided that I NEEDED to go to the beach to see the sunrise. My perfect morning turned into a perfect day.

The perfect day concluded with seeing fireworks on my drive home. What a perfect way to close summer:) In the next few weeks, the 5th issue of my YADC newsletter will be out. I'll add it on slideshare but if you'd like it sent to your email, just send me a note. Also, you'll be able to read my interview with the author who just stole my heart when we met, Myron Uhlberg about his upcoming memoir. In the meantime, if you know of some books with Deaf Characters that aren't added on my list, please send me an email. Below is my handout from my presentation and my PowerPoint slide.
Pathways to Possibilities: Discovering Deaf Characters
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.
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