Saturday, September 01, 2007

International Children's Books with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Characters

While searching the internet, I found these books mentioned on the van Asch Deaf Education Centre of New Zealand website ( While I was unable to find the books for purchase on the U.S. site, I did find them directly from the Thomson Learning Australia publishing website (

SUPER-TUNED! by Heather Hammonds
Publisher: Nelson Thomson Learning, 2000, Reading Age: 3-4th grade

Super-tuned is a beginner chapter book/ picture book. The main character, Nick has a unilateral hearing loss and is fitted with "super-tuned" hearing aids which inable him to hear a police car-chase and a mayday call from a fishing boat. Nick enjoys his hearing aids because they help to save the fishermen.

Jason and the Blind Puppy by Dawn McMillan
Publisher: Nelson Australia, 2004
In this beginner ‘chapter’ book (3 chapters), main character, Jason, is deaf and wears hearing aids. Jason also uses (New Zealand???) sign language.

Missing! by Dawn McMillan,
Publisher: Nelson Australia, 2004
In a follow-up series,main character Jason is featured. Again this book includes some illustrated signs.

WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM? by Geoff Thompson
Publisher:Thomson Learning Australia, 2003, Reading Level: 3-4th grade

What's Your Problem is an instructional reader that focuses on solving problems such as space, woodworking, recording music and hearing. In the section on hearing, the authors answer questions on hearing aids, cochlear implants and an early ear trumpet. Through charts and diagrams, they show how a cochlear implant works.

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