Sunday, April 06, 2008

Silent Magic: Carmel's book on Deaf Magicians

If you're interested in magic or simply want to learn about Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals who have been involved with magic, Silent Magic is the book for you.

To describe magic and magicians,
You would probably use such words as visual, patter, sound and music. But what if three of those items were gone? Poof! Vanished! Would there—could there—still be magic without “patter” and “sound” and “music?” You bet.

This book includes fifty-nine biographies of Deaf magicians in the United States from the 19th to the 21st centuries.

US $29.95 per copy + US $5.00 for postage and handling.
To purchase the book, you are welcome to email me and I will forward the ORDER FORM to you or you can contact the author:
Dr. Simon J. Carmel
SILENT MAGIC: Biographies of Deaf Magicians
9339 Bridgeport Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33411

"Dr. Simon J. Carmel’s book is not only a great historical resource, but also it illustrates many personal struggles and triumphs as well. These men and women all shared two very strong common interests: they are or were all deaf, and they all have or had a love for the art of magic. I learned much after reading each story. For instance, I never knew Okito was deaf and that was the reason he created a silent act to music. I applaud Dr. Carmel for all the inspiration and years of effort in creating this important work."
--Kevin James, Comedy Illusionist
Las Vegas, Nevada

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