A collection of adolescent books with Deaf Characters, websites, author interviews and book reviews.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Finally the Secret Invasion is Here! So I ask: Is Deaf Character Echo a Skrull?

Friday, March 21, 2008
Upcoming Events for Adolescent Literature Enthusiasts

April 2-5, 2008: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Worlds of TESOL: Building Communities of Practice, Inquiry, Creativity held in New York City. For information, visit: http://www.tesol.org/ I'll be presenting my research on Deaf Characters in Adolescent Literature on Thursday, April 3 and then leading a discussion group on analyzing Deaf Characters on Friday, April 4.
April 17-19, 2008: "Young Adults and Their Literature: An Inquiry-Based Forum" in conjunction with the 30th Youngstown State University English Festival in Ohio. Featured speakers include Joan Bauer, Chris Crutcher, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Christopher Paul Curtis, as well as Scott Dikkers, editor and co-founder of The Onion. For information, http://www.ysuenglishfestival.org/

Saturday, March 15, 2008
CODA Author, Myron Uhlberg, will Present at International Reading Association in May

DAD, JACKIE, AND ME: Deaf, Black, and Hearing: What's the Connection? The Stories Behind the Story
Presenter: Myron Uhlberg
Topic: Using

Award-winning author Myron Uhlberg will discuss his latest book, DAD, JACKIE, and ME (winner of the American Library Association 2006 Schneider Family Award). Using old family photographs and archival materials, the author will show and explain the personal and historical background for his story that connects the experience of deafness, disabilities, and race in American history.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Voting for Marlee Matlin on Dancing With the Stars

From David Tossman, Gallaudet University Office of Public Relations:
Sweet Nothing in my Ear on CBS scheduled for Sunday April 20th at 9/8c

Sunday, March 09, 2008
Insider Tips about Deaf Character Echo in New Avengers #39

On Friday, I emailed David Mack explaining that I know he is a super busy guy but that I just wanted to share the excitement my students, some blog readers and I are all experiencing over the release of The New Avengers Issue #39. While we're all freaking out in anticipation and in fear that Echo may be a skrull, this experience is creating quite a dialogue between readers. As an English professor, I can't ask for anything more. So rather our fears are warranted or not, I just wanted to thank him.... this is what literature (and I do consider Comics and Graphic Novels a part of the new canon of literature) is all about.
Below is the email response from him. Okay, I don't REALLY have any insider tips but I always feel pretty cool when authors, including the talented David Mack reply to my emails.
In an email from Friday, David Mack wrote:
"I did try to post, but for some reason it is not working (probably my ancient laptop). I'll try to post from another computer when I get a chance. In the meantime, feel welcome to post my regards, and that I think they will enjoy this issue:)
Please give them my thanks for reading. There are skrulls in the issue, but I can't say who :) But I think the students will enjoy Echo and the Avengers in this story."
Here is my close analysis of the email.
Premise: David writes that he believes that we will enjoy the issue and he particularly states that we will enjoy Echo in this issue.
Premise: Hmmm, I don't think I would enjoy it at all if Echo becomes a hearing skrull
Conclusion: Echo won't be a skrull...
Okay, that isn't my finest Critical Thinking analysis and I don't really have any insider tips but the good news is that in just three more days, we'll know.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Deaf Character in Comics: Echo in New Avengers #39... released in 6 days

Eeeekkkk! My big concern is that Echo/Maya Lopez will be a Skrull and end up hearing (a very uncool ending for such a cool character)... but because David Mack is on board this project and I believe that he has a great deal of respect for Echo (considering he created her and all), I don't think that will happen.
Marlee Matlin Video on Access Hollywood.com

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Deaf Character in Jericho

Dad isn't very happy about the possible cancellation of this show but he also wasn't so thrilled with last night's episode.
In last night's episode, Deaf Character Bonnie, played by Shoshanna Stern, got to end things in a bang (pun intended) and I'll leave it at that. Will there be another season? Who knows. For an episode recap, visit CBS's website.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Deaf Author Featured on News

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Deaf Character books & comics (release dates for March)....and events