Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Deaf issue of m/c - a journal of media and culture

The “Deaf” issue of m/c [M/C Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3 (2010)] is now available online. M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998 as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting of media and culture.  You may be interested in my contribution Representations of Deafness and Deaf People in Young Adult Fiction. 

Miriam Nathan Lerner contributed Narrative Function of Deafness and Deaf Characters in Film. Miriam's documentary, The Heart of the Hydrogen Jukebox is a must see! Check out my interview with her in 2007!

Other pieces include:
EDITORIAL: A Deaf Knowingness - Donna McDonald, Liz Ferrier
The Triton - Sandra Hoopman
FEATURE: Body Language - Jessica White
Becoming Deaf - Karen McQuigg
Journey of a Deaf-Blind Woman - Christy Reid
Fluid Identities: A Journey of Terminology - Michael Uniacke
Interpreters in Our Midst - Breda Carty
Hart Crane’s Speaking Bodies: New Perspectives on Modernism and Deafness - Rebecca Sánchez
Do Androids Dream of Electric Speech? The Construction of Cochlear Implant Identity on American Television and the “New Deaf Cyborg” - Pamela Kincheloe
Marginalising the Mainstream: A Signed Performance of The Miracle Worker Places Deaf Issues Centre-Stage - Caroline Heim
Looking across the Hearing Line?: Exploring Young Deaf People’s Use of Web 2.0 - Nicole Matthews
The Politics and Practice of Voice: Representing American Sign Language on the Screen in Two Recent Television Crime Dramas - Jennifer Rayman

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